Installing InstaBuy manually

When you add InstaBuy from the Shopify App Store, or upload a new theme, we'll add several bits of code automatically to each theme:

  • We'll create snippets/instabuy.liquidtemplates/collection.instabuy-data.liquidtemplates/search.instabuy-data.liquid and templates/product.instabuy-data.liquid.
  • We'll add {% include 'instabuy' %} in your layout/theme.liquid
If you need to install it manually, or if you're using a different layout to  theme.liquid, you can add the embed code like this:
  • Open Online Store > Themes from your Shopify admin
  • Click Actions next to your published theme, then Edit Code
  • Find layout/theme.liquid in the left bar (or another layout if you are using a custom layout), and select it
  • Just before the closing </body> tag right at the end of the file, add {% include 'instabuy' %} and Save.

As the embed codes get deactivated if you uninstall there's no need to remove these if you decide you don't need the app any longer, however we do have uninstall instructions here if you prefer to remove all traces of the app.

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